NC Beautiful Grant Awarded to Jones Teacher

This week, Executive Director Steve Vacendak of NC Beautiful made a trip to Jones Intermediate School to meet Mrs. Cindy Wilson and her students. Mrs. Wilson applied for a grant through NC Beautiful to complete a greenhouse project with students and was awarded $400.

Over 100 applications were submitted with 35 receiving funding. The grant submitted by Mrs. Wilson was an idea thought up by Jones Intermediate School’s Student Recycling and Environmental Action Team. Jones Intermediate has cleaned, moved, and repaired their existing greenhouse thanks to Ben Cooke of Cooke Rentals, the Delacruz family, and Reagan Tidd. The grant money will be used to get supplies for growing plants this winter that will be used to beautify Jones Intermediate School’s campus on Earth Day in April. Future uses for the greenhouse include classroom teachers utilizing it as a resource to support curriculum and a Garden Club being created at the school.

Vacendak, a former Duke University basketball player, took time to speak with students about being good leaders. He made four points and encouraged them to remember these points to do their best.

1) Listen to your parents

2) Listen to your teachers and coaches

3) Always do your best

4) Always be kind

Students Pictured: Colin Hiatt, Jesse Delacruz,  Briyce Thomas, and Nadiya Whitlock ---Members of the Student Recycling and Environmental Action Team
